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Permanent Lidar 

Galetech Measurement Services provide a full turnkey Lidar solution that includes the supply, deployment and commissioning of the ZX300.

EirGrid approves ZX 300 wind Lidar for grid compliance

The ZX300 LIDAR technology has been approved by Eirgrid as an alternative to a wind farm permanent meteorological masts. Learn more
Galetech have a number of solutions available for the set up of the ZX300 to allow it to provide the required signals to Eirgrid. Examples of some of these solutions are outlined below.

Solution with a ZX300 integrated into existing SCADA System

This ZX300 Lidar solution delivers a setup were the Lidar is integrated in the existing wind farm or substation SCADA system. The Lidar is configured to communicate with the existing SCADA system via MODBUS TCP/IP.

Solution with Standalone ZX300 and PLC

This ZX300 Lidar solution delivers a setup where the ZX300 LIDAR is not integrated into the existing SCADA system. Instead, the met signals from the the LIDAR are fed to a PLC provided by Galetech which in turn feeds the met signal directly to the Eirgird RTU.

Permanent Lidar Solutions Benefits

Cost-effective: Lidar is an affordable solution for wind measurement, when compared to the costs associated with the installation & maintenance of hub height masts.

Accurate: Lidar provides highly accurate wind speed and direction measurement. This facilitates precise and reliable data analysis.

Long-range Capability: Lidar can measure wind speeds and directions at a distances of up to 300 meters.

Non-intrusive: Lidar is a non-intrusive technology, meaning it can be
installed without disrupting the natural flow of the wind, resulting in more accurate measurements.

Minimised Maintenance: Lidar requires minimal maintenance, making it a cost-effective solution for long-term wind measurement.

Customizable: Lidar can be customized to meet specific project requirements, allowing for flexibility in deployment. The Lidar can even be installed inside the substation compound.

Reduced Risk: Lidar is a safer alternative to traditional anemometers, which require installation at heights and can pose risks to personnel.

Environmentally Friendly: Lidar is a low environmental impact solution for wind measurement that causes minimal disruption to the surrounding ecosystem.

Case Study

Recently Galetech Measurement Services were appointed by clients Ørsted to deliver a Permanent ZX300 LIDAR solution at one of their many wind farm sites.


The permanent LIDAR will provide Eirgrid with a continuous met signal feed. This data feed is required by Eirgrid throughout the entire lifetime of a wind farm in order for the project to be grid code compliant.


What Galetech Measurement Services was able to deliver during this project was a reliable, secure and compact permanent wind measurement solution. The installed technology also produces the Eirgrid complaint data more cost effectively and quickly when compared with the met signals produced using permanent, hub height free-standing met mast structures.

Abstract Background

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